From 8 months now, I have been part of wine business world thanks the Master International Vintage. Far be it from me to promote my master degree but rather to present it. The Master International Vintage is a master degree specialized in vine growing, oenology and wine marketing. He receives every year students from all around the world with totally different backgrounds. For example, my form shares 15 different nationalities. The two years studies are spread in 3 different universities from the 11 European partners institutions. My year followed from September english, « Terroir » and Wine Marketing classes in Ecole Supérieure d'Agriculture d'Angers (ESA). Today it’s wine growing classes turn in directed by the University of Tràs-o-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) in Vila Real,Portugal. In july a study trip is organized into the Italian, Romanian and Greek vineyards. The theorical part of the master will finish next december in Corvinus University Budapest, Hungary after 3 month of oenology. The master will conclude by a 6 months minimum internship.
Jobs opportunities are very large into the wine sector so much learned subjects are different. The specialization is defined by the students background and the final internship.
This global diversity earned it to be labeled Erasmus Mundus from 2004. This label, given by the European committee, awards the best European master degrees with an international course.
You can find more information on its website visiting the Vintage Master Club, the new professional network dedicated to the master.
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